Unlock the Secrets of Your Soul's Journey

Heal Relationships, Release Energy Blocks, and Connect with Your Higher Self

What Is Akashic Records Healing?

The Akashic Records are an energetic library of every thought, experience, and emotion your soul has ever encountered.

By accessing these records, you can gain profound insights into past lives, energy blocks, soul contracts and karmic patterns that may be affecting your life today.

We can also heal blockages or energy disruptions at the zero point of origin.

This is very deep, powerful soul magic.

How This Session Can Transform You

Quarz crystals on the beach, signifying healing and clarity

In this personalized 60-minute session, we'll delve deep into your Akashic Records to address the specific issue weighing on you.

This could be a challenging relationship, recurring life pattern, Financial block, a feeling of being stuck etc.

You'll receive insights, energy healing and actionable guidance to realign your life.

An Akashic Records Healing Session is For You if You...

Diffiult relationship

Feel trapped in a difficult relationship and want to understand the soul lessons behind it.

Money block

Experience recurring patterns or blockages in areas like health, money or career.

Past lives

Are curious about past life influences affecting your current reality.

Release emotional burdens

Wish to release emotional burdens or subconscious energy blocks.

Are you ready to break free from limitations and step into a new way of being?

What You Can Expect In Your Session


Intention setting

Setting Your Intention

We start by focusing on the issue or question that's most present for you and setting our intentions for the session.


Akashic Records Journey

journeying into the akashic records

After preparing our energetic states we open your Akashic Records for guidance and healing insights.


receiving guidance and healing

Messages, images and sensations provides information on the root cause of your concern.


Next steps and insights

actionable insights and next steps

You'll leave the session with clear guidance on how to integrate the wisdom received and continue your healing journey.

A total value of: (Amount)

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Real Stories of Transformation

My meeting with Melanie was epic. The information she gave was so accurate that It felt like she knew me most my life.

I would definitely recommend her gifts and talents to all who wishes to change the course of their lives.

She is truly inspirational and a beautiful being with an amazing amount of knowledge on her subject. I'm am blessed that our paths crossed the way it did.


I had an incredible Akashic reading with Melanie, which allowed me to view my past lives and heal any traumas that still had an impact on my current life.

She is very gifted and intuitive, and I would highly recommend her to anyone.

Thank you Melanie for all your help and guidance. You are truly amazing!


My Akashic reading with Melanie was insightful and profound.

I liked the way she explained exactly what the Akashic records are and how the process works before we started.

It answered a lot of questions I had about my current situation. I still go back and refer to it. Highly recommended!


My reading with Melanie was absolutely mind blowing.

She is very connected to spirit and I was able to get insight on all my questions that I've had for such a long time.

Her insights resonated as truth with me and as a result I have been able to progress in an area of my life that have been sick for a while.

The reading was invaluable to me and I am forever grateful to Melanie! I recommend her without any hesitation and I know she can help so many people!


Melanie Britz Akashic Records Specialist

Why Choose Me As Your Guide

With years of experience as an Akashic Records reader and healer, I bring a grounded and compassionate approach to every session.

I have a very special and clear connection to the Records and I have a highly practical approach, almost like an energetic surgeon, going straight into the problem spot. It is all about tangible and practical results for me.

My purpose is to help you uncover the truths in your soul's journey and provide you with practical guidance to navigate your path.

How to Book Your Session

Step 1

Click the button below to secure your 60-minute Healing session for $128.

Step 2

Receive an email with a Booking calendar to select the time slot most suitable to you, as well as a 13-page Booklet explaining more about the Akashic records and how to make the most of your session.

Step 3

Begin your journey to healing, transformation and self-discovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is this session conducted?

A: The session is held via Zoom, allowing you to join from the comfort of your home. A recording of the session is available on request.

Q: is there any preparation required?

A: Yes, you will receive a short guide with tips to get the most out of your session.

Q: can I ask questions during the session?

A: Absolutely. This session is for you, so feel free to bring up any questions related to your journey.

Q: how do you receive the information?

A: I receive the information mostly visually. Your guides and my guides get together and offer the information in the way to be best understood by you. The images I see may be symbolic or actual.

I have to tell you what they are before any information will start flowing. Then, it is almost like pulling on a thread from a carpet. The energy starts flowing and I get a story and images.

Sometimes only the pervading emotion comes through or an understanding of what the image means and what they are trying to say.

Goosebumps are a signal from my guides that something important is being said and to pay attention.

Ready to Discover the Hidden Wisdom Within?

take the First step towards healing and insight with an akashic records healing session.

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