Clarity so deep it will affect everything in your life!

Imagine a life where you are certain about your true soul purpose, where self-doubt and uncertainty no longer hold you back...

What if you had absolute clarity about your soul’s goals and dreams?

What would you do if you KNEW what you were supposed to be
doing and WHO YOU ARE on a soul level?

How would you heal and begin to play bigger in
your life?

How would your life be without all that
second-guessing and feeling lost, frustrated and unsure of your next steps?

What could you achieve if you were 100% clear on
your higher self's guidance right now, and knew exactly how to best work with your unique blend of energies?  


What miracles could you unlock with that
ALIGNMENT and that PERMISSION to be fully, powerfully YOU?

What is a Soul Journey energy coaching session?

During a 1-on-1 session, we explore the unique Soul energy system of YOU.

This includes

  1. your unique Soul path energy blend and life purpose how best to work with and align to the energies in your chart,

  2. information from your Akashic records which includes past lives, soul contracts, and ancestral karma.

  3. valuable guidance from your spiritual support team (which includes your higher self) to help you reach your highest potential.

Check out this entertaining interview that well-known celebrity psychic Kirsten Langston from Third Eye Champagne did with Melanie after her very own personal Soul Journey Energy session.

Melanie put immense care into our session, including advance prep before we even spoke. She was patient in answering my questions throughout the session and took time to explain everything as thoroughly as possible as information came through during the reading. It was a very important, awakening experience for me, and I would recommend to everyone open to it.


ALIGNING with your Unique Soul Energy System is your key to 3x your manifestation & happiness


Master the four levels of Reality Creation with the Align Intensive

• What if you could finally step into your birthright as an Intentional, Powerful, Conscious Reality Creator?

• How would it feel if you could start each day feeling energised, healthy and filled with vitality and inspiration?

• How amazing would it be if your mind was mostly filled with ease, trust and gratitude?

• What could you do if you knew how to Master all the levels of Reality Creation and you could practice mastery of this daily?

• What would be possible if your dominant energy was feeling overjoyed and excited?

Alignment is the key to allowing life to express itself gracefully and powerfully through you.

Create a path of effortless flow, where you step fully into your soul purpose and into the gifts you came here to express.

Unlock abundance, amazing relationships, a meaningful career or inspiring activities that are all on point with why your soul chose to be here now.

Your highest life potential, your soul's most magnificent expression is within reach with this 6-week Align Intensive...

Invest in your journey towards the highest expression of your soul joy, your soul abundance and your soul work!

My reading with Melanie was absolutely MIND-BLOWING.

She is very connected to Spirit and I was able to get insight on all of my questions that I’ve had for such a long time. Her insights resonated as truth with me and as a result I have been able to PROGRESS in an area of my life that has been sick for a while.

The session was INVALUABLE to me.



Get basic information on your Worldly and Spiritual goals, challenges and talents and your Soul Purpose!

Discover your Soul Path

When you understand your specific SOUL PATH you can:

  • effectively overcome challenges and obstacles,

  • find greater satisfaction and meaning in life

  • ,align with inner and outer abundance

  • and fulfil your true Soul potential.

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Books by Melanie

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It is difficult to put into words just how MIND-BLOWING my session with Melanie was. I have always had an idea of what my life purpose is, but this gave me insight as to where I should direct my focus. What I really loved is that it showed me where I was STUCK, UNFOCUSED, and IN DENIAL…
…and also what I need to do to move into my space of fulfilment of my dreams and goals, both worldly and spiritually. I would recommend this reading to everyone.



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